What is your previous computer experience?
My previous computer experience was in high school.
 What do you hope to get out of this class?
I want to improve my skills in Photoshop.
What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
In high school i had a 45 minute class learning about Graphic design from a teacher that did not really know photo shop.
Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I do have a computer at home, and i do indeed have photoshop but im not sure if i have illustrator.
Do you use a Mac or PC?
PCWhat do you hope to do with your major?
i want to get a job in graphic design. I am a very creative person so i would like something where i can create.

Who is your favorite artist?
i don't have one. 
Who is your favorite musician? 
 My music taste change too much for me to have one musician i enjoy. 
Tell me something interesting about yourself?
  I enjoy cosplaying, which is dressing up as fictional characters, i have six tattoos, and i am one of six kids.

Write a five line story?
Once upon a time there was a small child named syrena and she was a tiny terror. 
She enjoyed destroying the living room with all her toys and slime.
Every morning she would wake up her poor aunt by jumping on her guts and elbowing her in the neck.
syrena is three years old and she is very much a real child.
syrena is my niece and i am being terrorized daily, but i love her.

Post an image on the blog.
