
Showing posts from September, 2019

Homework #3 response

I think its amazing that the chief of design for Nike started out a honest to god struggling young person. Personally, it'd inspiring to me. Nowadays you don't get to see a lot of well off people talking about how they got where they are, and what they had to tackle. Over coming his disability by being creative and its great that he was able to make a good living through it too.

sunset colors review


HW2 response: rethinking the way we sit down

The video at first was a tad bit strange when the speaker first started talking about his time with working with airplanes back in the day, he talked about his passion in working on plane designs to be more realistic and over time he had begun to enjoy doing what he was doing for a little while. Of course everything comes to an end and he moved on to other things that can be useful. I know this happens in design,where some designs don't work out and need reshaping. The video in all way okay,he gave some good tips on creating good designs that can be useful to many people.

Weird thing

What is your previous computer experience? My previous computer experience was in high school.   What do you hope to get out of this class? I want to improve my skills in Photoshop. What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? In high school i had a 45 minute class learning about Graphic design from a teacher that did not really know photo shop. Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? I do have a computer at home, and i do indeed have photoshop but im not sure if i have illustrator. Do you use a  Mac  or PC? PC What do you hope to do with your major? i want to get a job in graphic design. I am a very creative person so i would like something where i can create. Who is your favorite artist? i don't have one.   Who is your favorite musician?   My music taste change too much for me to have one musician i enjoy.   Tell me something interesting about yourself?   I enjoy cosplaying, which is dressing up as